Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Episode 306: Keep In Touch
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
In reference to episode 304, Ric talked about an idea he had for a holiday card. It came true. Actual, physical cards were made as a gift to Ric. In this episode he talks about those very cards plus, he spends some time talking about the interconnectivity of the internet. Specifically, all the information you give the social media sites as well as other sites is being used against you, in some sort of fashion for the basis of one thing. Money. Also, Ric talks about a couple of things that may be an unpopular thought. At least one of the two things he mentions is accurate. It'll be you to figure it out.
NEXT WEEK: Familiar Ground
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Episode 305: In The Moment
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
As we begin to wrap up 2019, we look back sort of, as to why it seems all of our time seems to be moving faster. In this episode, Ric thinks he's kind of got it sorted out. At least in theory. It would seem we spend so much time looking forward to things and looking back at things that we tend to forget we are living in the moment, right now. Sort of like seeing something coming at us from a distance and we are excited for whatever that thing is only to blink and it passes us right on by. So fast that when we look back on that thing, we barely remembered what exactly that was. Also, Ric wants to know where his flying car is?
NEXT WEEK: Keep In Touch
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Episode 304: Happy Holidays
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
It's that time of the year again when Ric takes an amusing look at the ongoing "War on Xmas". This time out, Ric gets into how it all started, who is firing the "shots" and where is this all headed. Plus, a little holiday cheer and a little advice. Also in this episode, there came an idea for a Christmas card that should be made. It should have a nice serene image, in watercolor, with some outstanding words reflective of the holiday season. If that weren't enough, Ric will tell you about a very special show on Radio Memphis happening tonight.
NEXT WEEK: Wrapping up 2019... sort of.
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Episode 303: Know Thine Enemy
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Here of late, if the current news cycle is anything to go by, we humans have become a rather vociferous bunch. There seems to be some sort of revolution happening all over the world. The United States included. Although to be fair, ours has a certain game show vibe happening. Nevertheless, the old adage is true, "The next revolution will be televised." The issue this time around is that here in this country, the most vocal people seem to be the less knowledgeable about what they are either fighting for or against. Here is a little something that might help. Learn what drives your opponent before you open your mouth.
NEXT WEEK: The Annual War on X-mas Update
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Episode 302: Ok, Boomer
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
You know it had to happen. Ric takes on the current meme disparaging the Baby Boomer generation. But here is the thing. The Millennials who came out with the meme have a very valid point. They may just be going about it in the wrong way. Even that statement alone tends to get this generation worked up. In this episode, Ric takes a look at why the Millennials are upset and why they point their fingers right at the Baby Boomers. They have a proper reason. Like it or not, this generation of people are the ones who will be calling the shots. And in many cases they already are. Also, Ric's unpopular thought of the week and a trip to a thrift store reminds Ric of what happens when you die.
NEXT WEEK: The Revolution Is Already on TV
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Episode 301: Disliking The Like
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Instagram is starting a new thing globally where they are going to hide the number of likes a post gets from it's audience. To be clear, if you make a post, you will see how many likes your post gets. However, your public will not. Which begs the question, what is the value of a like, anyway? In this episode, Ric takes a look at how this may affect the internet famous. The influencers are kind of freaked about this turn of events. To which the rest of the world seems to not really care. This new idea also seems to re-visit the notion of the overall intrinsic value of social media from a person's point of view. The keyboard cowboys will most certainly be offended anyway since these are the people who look for any reason to be offended. Plus, Ric's unpopular thought of the week.
NEXT WEEK: Ok, Boomer.
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Episode 300: Reboot This
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
It's episode 300 and Ric is talking about a reboot. Seem sort of silly to reboot a podcast and that is exactly what it is like in the boardrooms across Hollywood. Why are there so many reboots and remakes? Is it a retelling? An updating? Is Hollywood actually out of ideas? The answers to these are all in this monumental episode. Also, Ric talks about podcast production and he'll share with you his unpopular thought of the week. By the way, there won't any rebooting of this show. As Ric says, "It sucks enough as it is, why would I want it to suck even more?"
NEXT WEEK: How much is a "like" worth, anyway?
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Episode 299: The Sporting Life
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sports fans, both casual and rabid know the value of a good game on television. However, the landscape has changed over time. Since the popularity of streaming television, access to all sporting events has become a little strained for the casual fan. The true and rabid fans know how to get what they want with broadcast packages available from all the sports leagues. And that is just it, they are certainly "available" for the right price. Why the money? Broadcast rights for the games are not cheap. In this episode, Ric takes a look at how the world of broadcast and the world of sports collide with casualties. Who are the casualties? The fans.
NEXT WEEK: Reboot This
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Episode 298: What's on TV
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Network television programming is fairly straightforward. You develop a show, get the greenlight to produce and then, spend a lot of money getting it produced. After that, you hope for the best. Are people going to like it enough to spend time watching the thing? There are some other nuances at play here and in this episode, Ric takes a look at how this sort of works using the new NBC show, Bluff City Law as a prime example of just how to navigate those treacherous waters. Also in this episode, Ric gives his unpopular thought of the week. Horses in space? Really?
NEXT WEEK: The Sporting Life
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Episode 297: Censor Me
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
There has been quite a bit of talk in the news here lately about Hong Kong. What you may not have heard is what happens when a company will censor someone over unpopular speech. In this episode, Ric takes a look at the NBA and the mess LeBron James found himself in regarding an unpopular statement. The upsetting thing about this is that it revolved around a corporate influence on someone else. Also in this episode, Ric says a few things that if said in China would probably put him in some sort of camp. He'll explain what difference is between censorship and freedom of speech. Plus, his unpopular thought of the week and more.
Next Week: Navigating network television programming.